
Be Our Partner

In 2021, A2 established Frontline 360°, a professional collaboration with the Environmental Protection Network, Center for Applied Environmental Science, Community and College Partners Program, and Thriving Earth Exchange to provide outreach, technical assistance and grant writing support to underserved communities. Since then, other partners have joined us to provide still more services.

Frontline 360° supports initiatives involving food sovereignty, pollution mitigation, green infrastructure, transportation, land and water conservation, resilient housing, flood and fire protection, and more.

Generous support from foundations, local, state, and federal government, private donors, and other non-profits has helped Anthropocene Alliance channel more than $35 million in cash and services to frontline communities since our founding in 2017.* These partners and funders include:

If you or your organization would like to fund or partner with us, please contact:
Harriet Festing, Executive Director, Anthropocene Alliance.

*Guidestar has awarded Anthropocene Alliance the 2023 Platinum Seal of Transparency.

Illustration top: Brooke C. White.