
You don’t need to strike gold.

Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin
The Gold Rush
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Need of an expert? 

Around 70 of our coalition members have been matched with pro bono scientists through a partnership with the Thriving Earth Exchange of the America Geophysical Union. We have also connected groups to legal, policy, communications, and financial experts. Please contact us to benefit from this support; meanwhile see the additional resources listed below.


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    Climate justice in frontline communities: Here’s how to (really) help

    As global warming accelerates, there’s a push by environmental groups and philanthropic foundations to engage with communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis….

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    What makes a successful flood advocacy group?

    Helen Lekavich launched Floodlothian Five in 2013 after severe flooding affected homes in the Village of Midlothian, Illinois. They share their story.

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    Using Nature to Address Flooding

    Across the US, towns and cities are using nature to help reduce flooding. The practice, also known as green infrastructure, bring multiple benefits to communities. This webinar is presented by Dawn Henning from the City of New Haven, CT and describes their work bringing green infrastructure to the city.

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    How to Ban “Fill and Build”

    Fill and build is the widespread practice of clearing a flood-prone site, piling up dirt, and putting buildings on top. This is a how-to guide for banning it.

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    Flood Survivors’ Manifesto

    As the impacts of global warming accumulate, the need for progressive, environmental policy grows. Nobody knows this better than the grassroots leaders who comprise Anthropocene Alliance. We worked with them to develop a manifesto aimed at stopping or reducing flooding.

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    The Great American Climate Migration

    This document was the product of a series of roundtable discussions among grassroots leaders from ten low-income, Black, Latinx, and Native American communities. They were convened by Anthropocene Alliance (A2) and The Climigration Network (CN) between February 23rd and August 1st, 2021 to address The Great Climate Migration, the resettlement of some 30 million Americans over the next half-century due to climate change.

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    How to Organize a Twitter/X Storm

    Need to get the attention of elected officials? Learn how to organize a Twitter storm to get the attention of elected officials.

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    How to Get Politicians to do Things

    People sometimes ask: “Why don’t elected politicians hear us?” Anthropocene Alliance has produced a brief guide to make sure they do. If you follow its three guidelines, you won’t always get what you want, but at least you’ll have a fighting chance.

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    Flood Slogans and Chants for Public Meetings and Protest

    Bringing humor to public meetings, hearings, rallies and protests keeps people’s spirits up and gets the attention of politicians, government officials and the media

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    Protest 101

    You can vote in elections, or run for election, meet with elected officials, attend public meetings, send letters to newspapers. But sometimes, protest is the best way to build a movement and change things!

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    Starting a Flood Survivor Group?

    Is it time to rally the troops? There is plenty of work to go round, and many hands make it light. We can help you partner with services and providers that will lighten the load and keep you afloat.

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    A 10-Point Platform on Climate Change

    As leaders of an environmental justice organization called Anthropocene Alliance, we’ve seen the consequences of climate change close-up. We often get asked where A2 stands on issues relating to climate change. To answer some of these questions we have developed a succinct 10-point platform on climate change.