If your community is impacted by climate change or environmental abuse, we may be able to help. Here’s how:
Membership in Anthropocene Alliance is free. Interested? Please contact us.
Testimonials From Our Members
As the Vice Chief of my tribe, and the Chairperson for SC Idle No More, I have been active on Environmental Justice issues for over a decade, advocating to address the harm created from unequal treatment and environmental injustice, and working to find solutions. In the short time that the Waccamaw tribe has been a member of Anthropocene Alliance, we have made great strides in developing a cultural and environmental resiliency plan; a plan that will help to protect the 20 acres that is our remaining tribal land using nature-based solutions.
Cheryl Cail
SC Idle No More, Waccamaw Indian People, SC
"I really appreciate the drive and determination of Anthropocene Alliance and the energy you bring to the movement. I believe that you will continue to serve thousands in the coming years and I am looking forward to the opportunity to help others in their time of need before and after a flood."
Hilton Kelley, Community In-Power and Development Association Inc
Port Arthur, TX
"Thank you for throwing us a life line! Our organization was small and without the resources and would not have been able to connect with experts or to maneuver through the bureaucracy that stood in our way. With your help we have made great strides toward making change in our area and with our local government. The professionals that have given of their time for the benefit and betterment of our communities have been selfless, and our ability to connect with them is such a great blessing! Thank you Anthropocene Alliance!"
Dara Hartigan
Save our Soundside, FL
It is with great gratitude for your friendship and leadership that the Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition is able to say that we are the first ever African American serving organization to be funded by NOAA in the history of the organization. Without you and A2 this would not have been possible.
Yvonka Hall
Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition, OH
"Before becoming involved with Anthropocene Alliance I was looked upon as an anomaly to be ignored and dismissed. No federal, state, county or city entity would listen to me. My complaints about citywide flooding fail upon death ears. It was extremely frustrating to see myself and my neighbors treated as if our concerns were not valid. However now because of my affiliation with Anthropocene Alliance I am regarded with respect and I'm actually listened to."
Jackie Jones
Reidsville Georgia Community Floods, GA
"It's been such a remarkable experience being a part of the A2 national coalition of change agents. We've cried together and celebrated our successes."
Romona Taylor Williams
Mississippi Communities United for Prosperity, Duck Hill, MS
"Thank you for giving us the power and platform to forgo our individual crises, without you and the team network you’ve created we could never have gotten thru these processes."
Terri Straka, Rosewood Strong!
Socastee, SC
They listen and they don't think you're crazy...they get why we...the ordinary people do what we do if that makes sense. I really couldn't have done more than half of what I've done in 3 years without them.
Dawne Dunton
Saving Island Green, SC
"Your efforts have been a catalyst for us. Seriously none of the last few days would have happened had you not inspired us. It’s like you challenged our creativity, and got us to be bold."
Ana Zimmerman
Lowcountry Flooded States of American, Charleston, SC
A2 is truly committed to grassroots leadership in a way that is extremely rare in national organizations. From strategy and funding to technical assistance they make sure to support your success in a way that empowers. And best believe, if they don't have the answer/resource, they will go FIND it! Love A2!
Nina Morgan
People Against Neighborhood Industrial Contamination, AL
If you are lucky enough to work with Anthropocene Alliance, Lucky enough to meet them, lucky enough to receive their generous resources, you have hit the jackpot.
Marcy Brandenburg
Clean Air for All Now!, NM
"So happy that @LittleGrowersInc has teamed up with Anthropocene Alliance to tackle the adverse effects of climate change. The Alliance has great leadership and its truly been an excellent opportunity to meet and work with like minded people all over the country."
Camille Hadley
Little Growers Inc, Florida
Anthropocene Alliance shares their knowledge, skills, and resources to grassroots folks without a fee. If you are seeking knowledge and expertise join our members at Anthropocene Alliance
Delia Barajas
Voces Fieles Comunitarias Contra la Opresión, IL
The Anthropocene Alliance is a wonderful organization full of great people and resources to help nonprofits grow. We are the Greater Neighborhood Alliance of Jersey City, NJ, an alliance of 25 block and neighborhood associations in a very underserved community in JC. A2 helped us with our marketing needs and provided us with a small grant that allowed us to get business cards, banners, etc, and helped us to build our capacity.
Sandra Lovely
Greater Neighborhood Alliance of Jersey City, NJ
Anthropocene Alliance has been a tremendous resource, and mentor, through our struggle to reach our goals. They have not only provided guidance, but assistance with our website, petition, merchandise and introduction to the Silver Jackets, a division of the Army Corps. We could not be more grateful for their assistance, and patience with us, as we move forward to keep our community safe.
Winnie Carpenter
Oella-Catonsville Flood Solutions, MN
We joined Anthropocene Alliance less than a year ago, and in that short period, we've already received so much support from them, including staff support. Among other things, they're leading us through a complicated and cumbersome grant process that involves coordinating meetings and establishing relationships with government agencies. As a small, grassroots organization, this support is immensely meaningful, as we would not have had the capacity to pursue this grant on our own.
Arif Ullah
South Bronx Unite, NY
I am in awe when I wake up each morning and read all the messages from A2 staff and other groups like ours who they assist. They are doing important work helping folks like me make a difference in our own backyards! In my neck of the woods, we will be more protected from a catastrophic wildfire because of Anthropocene Alliance.
Karen Wickersham
Thompson Chain of Lakes Stewardship Coalition
A Community Voice is proud to be a part of the nation's fastest growing environmental/climate change fighting coalition, A2. The ability to mobilize quickly on issues of serious consequences is one of A2's major strengths, along with top flight staff and group members whose leaders are on point in moving grassroots environmental programs. A2 consistently provides trainings, experts, major grant writing assistance and venues that move issues and mutual aid.
Beth Butler
A Community Voice, LA
Anthropocene Alliance is an organization full of passionate, dedicated people who go the extra mile to support people in vulnerable communities. Their grasp of the issues and resources available are a lifeline for low capacity communities struggling to ensure the physical and emotional health of residents by making their neighborhoods safer and more resilient to climate impacts.
Julie Nucci
Residents of the Village of Owego, NY
They’ve helped up obtain pro bono attorneys, expert witnesses and amplifying the tremendous injustices confronting our communities, along with guiding and assisting us with grant writing.
Katherine Egland