Unprecedented level of support for A2 members
We’re thrilled to wrap up 2023 with news that 29 members of Anthropocene Alliance were successful in individual and group applications for funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation! Some of the grants were relatively small ($20,000) and some big ($700,000). A2 helped with project design and connecting community leaders to state and federal partners. Staff members Kerri McLean and Molly Vasanthakumar organized more than 100 meetings between leaders and partners. Unbowed, they are already gearing up for next year!
“Each grant represents a community and a habitat that’s vulnerable to climate change and environmental injustice,” said Harriet Festing, A2’s executive director. “These awards are just a small demonstration of what’s possible when we leverage our nationwide coalition,” The grants support coastal resilience planning. A2 will also assist the communities as they seek implementation funding.
A2 celebrates in particular the six individual grant recipients: Northeast Ohio Black Health Coalition; The Junction Coalition; Weequahic Park Association; the LandHealth Institute; Buy-in Community Planning; and Ahora Inc. These awards, ranging from $300,000 to $700,000, will fund initiatives in Ohio, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico to identify and prioritize nature-based solutions that enhance resilience and protect wildlife habitat.
A2 at the White House!
A few weeks ago, A2 Executive Director Harriet Festing opened her email and found an invitation to the White House! So, on December 13, she packed her overnight bag, and trundled to Washington, with husband in tow. She didn’t know what to expect. It turned out she was one of about 400 supposed movers and shakers to receive the invite. The reception was glittering, with champagne flowing, platters of food, and over-the-top Christmas decorations. Harriet and Stephen schmoozed with guests. Joe gave a speech and then mingled with the crowd, accompanied by Secret Service agents. But where was the vegan food Harriet coveted? Just a single dish of Brussels sprouts and parsnips — which as it happens are Harriet’s favorite vegetables!
End of year giving
In the spirit of the season, folks here at A2 HQ in Micanopy, Florida have been pinning red, felt stockings above the solar powered fireplace. We’re hoping Santa will fill them with gifts of money to replenish our depleted Mutual Aid Fund.
100% OF GIFTS RECEIVED IN THE NEXT 30 DAYS (between now and January 20) will go to community members hurt by climate and other environmental disasters. (None will go to salaries, overheads, or other administrative costs.) That fund is administered by members themselves. Please click here to give generously. Anthropocene Alliance is a 501-C3 non-profit organization; all gifts are tax deductible.
Thank you. Here’s to 2024 and beyond.
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