The Sustainability Action Network’s mission is to bring awareness of how the global climate crisis has brought energy vulnerability and economic instability to communities in the Kansas River bioregion. To mitigate these impacts, the group aims to create a more socially just and ecologically sustainable society by deploying tools to re-skill and re-localize the economy. Based in Lawrence, KS, the group incorporated as a nonprofit in 2008. Since then, they have initiated Sustainability Action Programs to accomplish their vision of citizens living in an ecologically sustainable society that is mindful of future consequences. Programs include Energy Conservation and Renewables; Bicycle and Alternative Transportation; Water Rights and Watersheds; Prime Farmland Preservation; Food Sovereignty and Permaculture; Lawrence Food Not Lawns (turning lawns into food gardens); and Local Money and Local Food, a “buy local” initiative that uses local “currency” to purchase locally sourced food.
Sustainability Action Network advances ecological sustainability on three fronts — energy, ecology and the economy. To reduce society’s collective carbon footprint, the group strives mainly for institutional change in policies and programs, while simultaneously supporting personal lifestyle changes for individuals and communities, primarily through the Permaculture ethic of earth stewardship — the interdependence and equality of all species and all peoples, conservation and regeneration, and limits to growth. The group is governed by its active membership, which meets annually to elect a Board of Directors. Policy issues are formulated by the Board of Directors by consensus and ratified by a majority of the membership. Monthly board meetings are open to all members and the community, and at which major organizational issues and events are planned and decided. The group actively collaborates with a number of local, regional and statewide nonprofits.