Dimock Environmental Research Center (DERC) aims to create a haven for scientific research into pollution caused by natural gas extraction, providing a unique opportunity to investigate fracking-related environmental impacts. Founded in 2022 by Raymond Kemble? and Jan “Hope Forpeace” Lemas, DERC is located in Dimock, Northern Pennsylvania, an area severely affected by the fracked gas boom. In 2008, fracking mishaps polluted the water wells of over 20 families, who were forced to sign non-disclosure agreements that prevented public statements and scientific testing on the affected sites. DERC serves scientists from universities, research labs, and students worldwide by providing a sanctuary for testing water, air, and soil. Additionally, DERC hosts journalists and activists, providing them with accommodations and tours of the fracking infrastructure to offer an up-close view of life in the fracklands.
Dimock Environmental Research Center is a volunteer-run organization with over 25 dedicated members and no paid staff. DERC’s leadership is made up of individuals who have personally experienced the effects of fracking. Key initiatives include working with stakeholders to make non-disclosure agreements in environmental pollution cases illegal and equipping families facing new gas-related infrastructure with crucial facts about fracking-related pollution. DERC also helps those affected by these activities gain restitution. By aligning its mission with Section 127 of the Pennsylvania Constitution, which guarantees the right to clean air and water, DERC plays an essential role in advocating for transparency and environmental justice, ultimately empowering communities to safeguard their natural resources.