In Southern Los Angeles, Service Planning Area (SPA 6) region has a population of over 1 million, with 97% of people of color. Residents have greater exposure to environmental contaminants tracked by the EPA than 90% of the U.S. population. Ezrach Brain Trust Association is a non-profit organization paving the way for economic opportunity, environmental sustainability, and educational equity to improve the trajectory of historically marginalized communities throughout Southern Los Angeles. Ezrach’s Co-Founders, Daniel Ferguson and Shaahid Ali El, have long shared a similar dream for the community which they belong to, Los Angeles’ SPA 6 region comprising: Athens, Compton, Crenshaw, Florence, Hyde Park, Lynwood, Paramount, and Watts. To combat the environmental, economic challenges and uplift their beloved community, Ferguson and Ali El established Ezrach in 2019. Ezrach’s blueprint for change aims to mitigate unhealthy conditions like air quality, combat chronic unemployment, and eradicate financial illiteracy.
Earth Day Tree Planting
Ezrach is focused on establishing unified coalitions with local faith leaders and community-based organizations. Ezrach partnered with Church of Transfiguration to organize an Earth Day event, where 15 residents and faith leaders of South Los Angeles banded together, planted 6 trees, and partook in a day of community engagement. This fellowship and a common bond to protect the Earth left residents with thoughts like “grateful,” “fulfilling,” “amazing,” “beautiful,” “connecting,” “bountiful,” “life,” etc. Ezrach’s environmental justice efforts include a publication of an Air Monitoring Report (AMP) in partnership with the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Henry Samueli School of Engineering to address environmental challenges such as air quality in Leimert Park (a predominantly Black community). Ezrach’s other initiatives include Project NATE (a professional development program to promote equity in the classroom) and ReachBoots (a line of sustainable footwear that seeks to source organic and local materials from the community to bolster a clean/green workforce.
Join Ezrach
Ezrach continues to grow in scale, garner attention, and partner with allies. We urge you to become involved with Ezrach, whether as a partner or contributor. If you or your business would like to join the coalition for change, click here to become a Project Bethany Site. To make a tax-deductible donation, please visit.